Sunday, July 11, 2010
A day of fun with friends till the end
"We made a deal a long time ago. Men. Babies. Doesn't matter. We're soulmates.”
Hey Guys,
Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a great weekend. I drank to much yesterday and jumped in a pool and even got my hair wet. Can you believe it??
I am so happy to have friends in my life that I can share these moments with.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Sushi Craving!!
Morning Friends!!
I woke up this morning with a craving for Sushi. At 7am I would say that's a bit odd? I specifically want a crunchy tuna roll from Katsuya. It reminded me of my first trip there with some of my fav friends :). Such a fun night. Wishing I was back in that moment right now!
Happy Friday!
xo Nicole
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Me and the more personal parts of my life
Hey Friends!
I always blog about random shit so I figured I would try to give you more of a peak into the personal part of my life :).
This guy has been thru it all with me. Meet Matt...the love of my life <3
xo Nicole
I always blog about random shit so I figured I would try to give you more of a peak into the personal part of my life :).
This guy has been thru it all with me. Meet Matt...the love of my life <3
xo Nicole
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Another Chapter in the book...
Some people would call the day I will have tomorrow just another credit. Just another space that will be filled on your resume. Just another part of your reel.
I call it another chapter in the adventure that I have begun <3
I call it another chapter in the adventure that I have begun <3
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Forgive Me Again. I Failed Twice.
I failed again. I said I was back and writing again. And I lied. But, the good news is I am watching the Bachelorette again and my feelings have changed since the last time I wrote. I am actually extremely entertained now!
In the past 2 months I have been here -
both totally free for me and amazing! No, actually in Vegas I spent $5 dollars and in San Francisco I spent $50.
Vegas is seriously the best city on the planet. What a playground for spenders and alchis! My boyfriend took me for a long weekend and we were totally both of those listed above. San Francisco was a shopping play ground for my mom and I and a death trap for my feet. Absolutely beautiful city and completely hard to walk around in. So many hills. not enough taxis.
In other big news, I got those tan shoes that I wanted in my older posts!
Happy Tuesday Readers!
xo Nicole
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Life Updates
When I think about the last time I wrote on this thing it makes me sad. It's been to long. Life has its way of taking control and making your blogging nights on the couch slim to none.
But, I'm back. Watching The Bachelorette has inspired me to open my little white mac book and write...really because this show is 2 hours of boringness that I refuse to delete off of my DVR. Who voted for Alli to be the new Bachelorette anyway? Certainly not me.
Life has been crazy, yet wonderful. Promising things on the career front. I choose to keep them secrets so I don't sound like a typical cliche LA girl running around talking about the possibilities of what's to come, when suddenly surprise surprise...nothing came. But I will share when the exciting moment does come.
I've successfully had about a month worth of weekends of straight up partying like a baller. I'm lying. Nothing baller about the way my weekends turn out. I have found a new vodka that graces my freezers presence every weekend though. Acai berry flavor...definitely put on your "before i die drink list" if you haven't already. My Hubbs and I (that's Sonja) have drank enough of it before we die already so our list has been fulfilled.
My girlfriend Erika moved to Las Vegas with her boyfriend a few weeks ago which was a very sad moment. Me and Yogurtland suffered a huge loss that day. Luckily she is getting settled there and the Strip Clubs are knocking down her door. Just kidding. I'm the stripper, duh! Erika seems happy which makes me happy for her :). Although she is missed here, I am thoroughly jealous that she gets to be right next to the Vegas strip for at least the next 6 months.
My Dogs and Boyfriend are as cute as ever. Both pups have snoring issues which is no good for my sleep and my Boyfriend has a newly installed video game system attached to his brain! Luckily he is hot so I don't hate him for that installation.
Other then that life is pretty much still the same. Still overdrafting my bank account, and still looking at overpriced items on a daily basis for someone to buy me.
Hope all is well in your universe readers!
But, I'm back. Watching The Bachelorette has inspired me to open my little white mac book and write...really because this show is 2 hours of boringness that I refuse to delete off of my DVR. Who voted for Alli to be the new Bachelorette anyway? Certainly not me.
Life has been crazy, yet wonderful. Promising things on the career front. I choose to keep them secrets so I don't sound like a typical cliche LA girl running around talking about the possibilities of what's to come, when suddenly surprise surprise...nothing came. But I will share when the exciting moment does come.
I've successfully had about a month worth of weekends of straight up partying like a baller. I'm lying. Nothing baller about the way my weekends turn out. I have found a new vodka that graces my freezers presence every weekend though. Acai berry flavor...definitely put on your "before i die drink list" if you haven't already. My Hubbs and I (that's Sonja) have drank enough of it before we die already so our list has been fulfilled.
My girlfriend Erika moved to Las Vegas with her boyfriend a few weeks ago which was a very sad moment. Me and Yogurtland suffered a huge loss that day. Luckily she is getting settled there and the Strip Clubs are knocking down her door. Just kidding. I'm the stripper, duh! Erika seems happy which makes me happy for her :). Although she is missed here, I am thoroughly jealous that she gets to be right next to the Vegas strip for at least the next 6 months.
My Dogs and Boyfriend are as cute as ever. Both pups have snoring issues which is no good for my sleep and my Boyfriend has a newly installed video game system attached to his brain! Luckily he is hot so I don't hate him for that installation.
Other then that life is pretty much still the same. Still overdrafting my bank account, and still looking at overpriced items on a daily basis for someone to buy me.
Hope all is well in your universe readers!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hollywood and It's Barbie Dolls
In Hollywood most of the Girls that you see out during the late hours of the night do look like Barbie Dolls...more like the "Playboy" version of Barbie, not the Skipper/Ken version. I have never been a fan of this look...
Until I saw this Barbie. The Christian Louboutin barbie. Does it get anymore Legit then this? I don't thinks so.
Until I saw this Barbie. The Christian Louboutin barbie. Does it get anymore Legit then this? I don't thinks so.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Magazine Shopping

Reading fashion magazines these days might as well be illegal for people with shopping problems like myself. Each entry in Elle magazine makes me feel as if I can afford the most elaborate things. It's like the pages scream "buy me or I will kill you" and of course I don't want to die, so I feel the need to give them a home. Today's pool reading consisted of all the lasted must have trends.

Louboutin Booties, Chanel Dresses, Versace Spring collection, wrinkle prevention creams, $200 dollar Hair Dryers, and my bank accountant overdrafting before I could turn the page. Looking at these items are like having a love affair with fashion. Two years ago I found my beloved Peacock Blue Suede Louboutin Pumps in an Elle magazine which turned into a 6 month search so I could get them for Christmas.

I always wondered why my mom didn't renew my Elle subscription, but I think I understand why. I feel that the first step in recover is admitting you have a problem so here it name is Nicole, and I am a magazine shopaholic.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
It's been a while...
Where have I been and why haven't I been blogging?!?! Here I make this blog so I can be more creative and get rid of some of my thoughts and I've neglected it for over a week. I blame it on one thing and one thing only...

Absolute Boston Addition. Tea Flavored vodka. For the past few weeks I have drank this scrumptious adult beverage with lemonade as my mixer of choice...which then turns the drink into an adult arnold palmer. I tell you, loyal readers, this drink has made me and my couch become closer then we have been in a while. Who needs to go out when you have iced tea vodka in the comfort of your own home??? So, I lack of blogging comes from my new relationship with Mr. Absolute Boston. Don't judge me...instead go buy yourself some.

Absolute Boston Addition. Tea Flavored vodka. For the past few weeks I have drank this scrumptious adult beverage with lemonade as my mixer of choice...which then turns the drink into an adult arnold palmer. I tell you, loyal readers, this drink has made me and my couch become closer then we have been in a while. Who needs to go out when you have iced tea vodka in the comfort of your own home??? So, I lack of blogging comes from my new relationship with Mr. Absolute Boston. Don't judge me...instead go buy yourself some.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Birthday Pup!

Happy Birthday to my sweet little baby Bella who turns 3 tomorrow! As a very dedicated dog mother she will get a doggie cupcake and a toy to add to the collection that takes over my apartment floor. And as a thank you to her mother she will probably pee on the floor which her daddy will end up cleaning up. <3>
Happy Birthday Bells!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Candy Lips
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
When life doesn't make sense...
When life doesn't make sense and your world is spinning round and round...get Yogurtland. It puts life back into place.
Growing Up
As I get older I realize that my patience for people and their bull shit becomes less and less.

I see that my group of friends gets smaller and smaller.

As I get older I see that the family members I grew up thinking always believed in me, in fact do not.
I know that some people in my life keep me hidden from others because of who I am, and some people in my life exploit me to others because of who I am.

As I get older I realize that the people who I chose to keep in my life love me whole heartedly for who I am and the people who do not will slowly fade out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
An fashion.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Los Angeles Views and Margaritas

Beautiful Saturday with some of the most important people in my life. Pool time followed by Happy Hour at "Mexico" in LA. Although you all probably think my favorite part about this place was the wasn't. It was the amazing view from the top. A reminder of why I love my home and the people in my life. Pinch yourself in moments like these.
Just Walk Beside Me and Be My Friend
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
First edition of my obsessions - Haribo Gummi Bears
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Why can't we all have a Wonderland?

Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to the "Alice in Wonderland" cast and crew screening. Alice in Wonderland is my all time favorite Disney Movie. I loved the original and I loved the new one. The blast of color that came through my 3D glasses made me happy and feel like a kid for 2 hours. Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter just made me feel like my crazy thoughts at any moment in time were like that of a new born babies compared to his.
Throughout the movie I found myself wishing I had a Wonderland to go to. A place to go when times are tough and life is just to confusing. A place that you have made for yourself that no one else really knows about. Just you and your made up animals that can talk. Your happy place. In my head I have exactly what my Wonderland would be like and who would be there. During the 2 hours I was lost in Wonderland at the El Capitan Theater, the big question of the night was "Are you the real Alice, Is this the real Alice?"...and I couldn't help but I the real Alice?
Friday, March 5, 2010
One week ago I decided to take on yet another commitment. This time its not a commitment to be somewhere or a commitment to do's a commitment to myself. I began doing P90X which is 90 straight days of working out. If you know me at all you know that I am a workaholic and bite off way more then I can chew. So why not make a promise to myself that I will get through this 90 days?? Because once I make the promise their is no turning back...yes, I think I might be slightly OCD. I could go on and on about P90x, but Im going to get straight to the point. Its a living hell. Their is a man that comes on my TV every morning and or night and literally makes me kick my own ass. I could choose to turn him off, but I just can't. I have to complete this 90 days.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Question of my life
Why can't we ever just let things go? Why must we always try to analyze every part of life instead of just trusting we did everything we could do and know everything will fall into place when its supposed to? It's what we as people battle daily. Why, what if, if i did this differently maybe this would have happened, blah blah blah. From this day forward I am not analyzing anything anymore. I will trust that the man above has my plan all mapped out for me.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The jacket that is taking over my entire life

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A Rainbow in the Mountains

Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day

"I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart. I am never without it. Anywhere I go, you go, my dear. And whatever is done by only me... is your doing, my darling. I fear no fate... for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world, for, beautiful... you are my world, my true. Here is the deepest secret no one knows. Here is the root of the root... and the bud of the bud... and the sky of the sky of a tree called life... which grows higher than the soul can hope... or mind can hide. It is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart. I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart." - Cummings
To my boyfriend. You have my heart forever and always.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
My Day as a Vacuum Cleaner

If you know me, you probably know that I'm not a very big eater. My meals don't consist of much and it's not because I don't like food. I'm really just not that hungry! And I drink like 10 cups of coffee a day which I hear suppresses your appetite. Every now and then (usually once a month), my mouth acts as more of a shovel then just a regular hole with teeth and a tongue. Today was one of those days. Really today I was more like a vacuum cleaner.
I started my day out with a cup of coffee like I normally do. I then had a cup of Chex Mix and String 10:30 am. Which is totally necessary. I of course needed to wash it down with something so I chose Orange Juice because there is nothing better then a glass of 150 calories and 30 grams of sugar! I went from that to a small cup of pita chips and some cashews from Costco because if we're being honest, they have the best. At 2:30 when I headed out to run my errands I stopped at the mall for a coffee bean in hopes to kill the rest of my case you were wondering it didn't work.
For dinner about 5 nights a week I go to whole foods. It's important that you know that Whole Foods has the nicest people that work there who will give you samples of everything. When I first walked in I enjoyed a few slices of bread a piece of chocolate and a sample of orange chicken. Then got myself some Chinese food. Since this lovely dinner I broke into the candy section of my house and had a Henri Bendels chocolate bar and some gummi bears.
In all honesty I want to vom. But, I think my body is very happy with me as it was obviously hungry...even though I have a baby made out of food living in my belly.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
"Breakfast at Chanel"

When your little you have dreams about becoming a princess, or living in the Disney World castle, or having a room that looks like the Barbie section of Toys R Us and you rely on your parents to make these dreams come true. As we get older our dreams get more specific and become more like goals. My dream for the last 8 years was to own a Chanel bag. Everything about this classic beauty gave me the worst anxiety when I would walk buy it. The perfectly stitched patchwork, the gold chains that can be adjusted to the size you desire, and the perfectly placed C's that clasp the baby shut. This was the bag that had been carried by some of the most amazing women in the world!
Once reality set in and I realized that this dream was not happening with my wallet I made it a goal to have my mom make this come true. Luckily for me my mom grew up in the center of Hollywood and understood all about my love for designers. Which is why when I was born I made her my best friend :).
When you set goals for yourself its important to be persistent and work hard for them. So for 8 years I worked hard to get my mom to buy me this bag. My mother wasn't born yesterday. She knew as I got older my taste would get more and more expensive. So this purchase shouldn't have been a big surprise.
After 8 years of hard work and determination I was presented with a gift on my last Birthday. A perfect square box wrapped up with the most exciting paper I had ever seen. I opened it and found the love of my life starring me in the Chanel bag. It might have been one of the most fabulous days of my life. And carrying it was everything I thought it would be! Every time I wear my bag I feel like playing dress up. It's like I'm 5 years old and my mom had made my dreams come true again. This my seem like a ridiculous story and you may think "what a spoiled brat", but for me this was my "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and my best friend, my mommy, made it happen.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Kid on a Leash

Is this really necessary??
Monday, February 8, 2010
Welcome to Me
Never did I ever think I would start a blog. But here I am sitting on my couch with 2 dogs and a boyfriend blogging while watching the Bachelor. My name is Nicole Travolta. I have an age range of "16-22" with more energy and love for life then you'll ever know or probably understand! My fun facts of life and daily random moments are what helped me decide to start blogging. That and an epic moment in class (I'll explain in time). I put my career first and reality TV second. My Family, Boyfriend, dogs and friends are my heart. I truly believe that when one door closes another one opens and confidence is the key to most situations (and a great pair of heels).
Being me is exciting. Welcome to Little me in my very big world. :)
Being me is exciting. Welcome to Little me in my very big world. :)
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