Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hollywood and It's Barbie Dolls

In Hollywood most of the Girls that you see out during the late hours of the night do look like Barbie Dolls...more like the "Playboy" version of Barbie, not the Skipper/Ken version. I have never been a fan of this look...

Until I saw this Barbie. The Christian Louboutin barbie. Does it get anymore Legit then this? I don't thinks so. 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


"Hollywood is a place where they will pay you fifty thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. " Marilyn Monroe

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Definition of Love

Loving someone means all of the above to me. <3

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Magazine Shopping

Reading fashion magazines these days might as well be illegal for people with shopping problems like myself. Each entry in Elle magazine makes me feel as if I can afford the most elaborate things. It's like the pages scream "buy me or I will kill you" and of course I don't want to die, so I feel the need to give them a home. Today's pool reading consisted of all the lasted must have trends.

Louboutin Booties, Chanel Dresses, Versace Spring collection, wrinkle prevention creams, $200 dollar Hair Dryers, and my bank accountant overdrafting before I could turn the page. Looking at these items are like having a love affair with fashion. Two years ago I found my beloved Peacock Blue Suede Louboutin Pumps in an Elle magazine which turned into a 6 month search so I could get them for Christmas.

I always wondered why my mom didn't renew my Elle subscription, but I think I understand why. I feel that the first step in recover is admitting you have a problem so here it goes...my name is Nicole, and I am a magazine shopaholic.